Your Resource For Differentiated, Fun And Interactive Activities For Children With Special Needs And Abilities
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A dedicated community of teachers seeking creative resources to teach Social Skills
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Social Skills Mindset Activity
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Here to provide support for all kids with
social cognitive deficits
This is your online resource providing creative activities and visuals to promote effective teaching of social and communication skills to children with social cognitive deficits and all children developing social cognition. The digital, downloadable products you’ll find in my online store were created especially for special education teachers, speech-language pathologists, school counselors, classroom teachers, and parents of students in Kindergarten through 5th grades, and can be used to teach individual students, small groups and whole class lessons.
I’m Cindy, Creator of Socially Skilled Kids.
I’m a special needs educator who has spent the last 25+ years working with children who need an alternative to traditional teaching. The learning materials I’ve created are designed to be differentiated, fun and interactive. In my online shop, you’ll find products that explicitly teach skills to support; behavior and emotions, social skills, problem solving, perspective taking, modified academics, and so much more. You will also find products that will assist your teaching by providing you with needed resources at your fingertips such as; social stories, visual supports, and teacher supports.
READ MORE ABOUT MEFun and Easy To Use Solutions You Can Use Immediately To Make A Difference
My passion is developing creative and fun educational solutions for unique learners, who need ideas to be presented in a different way, need explicit teaching of individual skills that others may simply “pick up naturally”, and who need to practice new skills in a variety of ways in order to truly learn and generalize what they have learned . I consider Socially Skilled Kids to be a community of educators working to support these fun, smart, capable kids’, and am grateful to have you here.
Check Out My Resources HERE