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The Socially Skilled Kids Blog




Do your students get upset over little things? Do they whine or complain when they don’t get their way?  Do they have few or no strategies when trying to solve small problems?

Mine do!

It’s concerning to see how easily many children get upset, give up, and seem genuinely baffled when faced with even the smallest of problems.


Some examples of small problems that I see students getting upset over are;



  • Not Called On
  • Not Called On First
  • Needing To Wait
  • Not Liking An Activity
  • Not Doing Something Perfectly (their version of perfectly)
  • Not Getting The Seat They Want
  • Not Getting A Color They Want
  • Not Getting To Go First In A Game Or In Line
  • Someone Bumped Into Them
  • Someone Looked At Them Funny
  • Someone Is Touching Them
  • Someone Said Something To Them That They Didn’t Like….


And the list goes on and on…


Imagine if the students could solve these problems on their own, without getting super upset?


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