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The Socially Skilled Kids Blog



Learning to tolerate and celebrate diversity cab be quite challenging for many of our kiddos with special needs.  Especially those on the autism spectrum. 
Some of these children have stuck thinking around ethnicity, race, religion, etc. 
And they can be very verbal about their preferences…often, at the most inopportune times.

For these kiddos, we need to teach diversity, yes…but we can’t forget some of the important, underlying social skills that can make it more challenging:

  • Flexible Thinking
  • Perspective Taking 
  • Empathy
  • Tolerance
Without theses skills, diversity lessons will not stick. 
They won’t make sense.
It’s important to think about ways we can help our special learners be more tolerant and accepting of others.  
And since our kiddos often have a harder time with this, due to overlapping challenges such as Flexible Thinking and Perspective Taking.
These skills must be worked on before, during and after, teaching about div
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