SEL {Social and Emotional Learning} has always been important, but perhaps now, more than ever! Taking care of our kiddos social and emotional health is finally starting to get the attention it deserves. This is self awareness for kids in special education is so important.
SEL refers to learning how to manage and understand our emotions. It helps us to develop the necessary social skills to maintain positive feelings and positive relationships.
SEL has 5 main skill areas, as outlined by CASEL {The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning}:
1. Self Awareness
2. Self Management
3. Social Awareness
4. Relationship Skills
5. Decision Making
These 5 skill areas are critical for all children to learn as they are moving through school {and life}, but for kiddos with special needs, it can be very challenging.
Each skill area has many splinter skills embedded in each one.
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Social Skills Mindset Activity